Dream Scape

A place where users can post their wonderful stories.

Dream Scape

Postby Miki Yamuri » Sat Aug 16, 2014 1:18 pm

Title: Dream Scape


Erin Jones age 23 - Played by: Babyluke

Michelle Simms age 18 - Played by: Miki Yamuri

Scene: Erin's vivid dream


Erin was deep asleep. He tossed and turned as the intensity and reality of the dream created for him a scenario that was all too real. In this dream, he had been captured by an evil wizard, who had him strapped to a table and was performing experiments on him.

In cold sweat, he tossed and turned in the power of this dream. There stood this evil wizard tall and menacing, which to him, is something he didn't experience everyday being 6'1" tall. The Wizard towered over him and he was actually frightened. In a daze he tries to access the situation.

He was in some sort of clear cube. It seemed like it should have been too small for him. Erin couldn’t make out too much of what the wizard was chanting ... it was in a foreign language he didn’t recognize. Erin did meet the cold dilated stare that the mumbling chanting wizard had while he looked at him. He felt something ... totally different ... he had no way to explain the weird feeling creeping into his soul. It was starting to feel like ... he was still himself ... but not him..

As he turned his gaze to the refection of himself in a shiny metal .... *beep* *beep* *beep* the alarm went off. He sprang awake nearly falling out of bed in reaction to the intense dream.

Erin looks around the room. His jammies were soaked in perspiration from the dream. He could still feel the cold and clamminess of the dank dungeon ... the awful putrid smells ... the hard leathery feel of the wizard's cold as death hands.

He slowly gets out of bed. As he slowly stands up, he notices ... his jammies are ... a bit big on him. He doesn’t take but superficial notice. He walks into the bathroom and takes off his shirt ... he notices his nipples and areolas ... have become slightly larger ... and made noticeable bumps on his chest.

At first, although a bit confused, Erin decides it has to have been a reaction to something he ate. The dream still lingers in his mind as he takes a thorough shower. He can’t shake the emotions he felt in this dream and it has had a weird effect on him. As he is washing himself he seems to have a more sensitive reaction to touch.

He gets out of the shower and decides it must be a combo of something he ate and his dream maybe an allergic reaction or some sort of food poisoning. He grabs his usual tight t-shirt and slacks in earthy tones.

While he puts on his clothes he realizes that they are a bit big ... he thinks nothing of it and continues to get ready ... he’s supposed to meet his good friend Michelle, the neighbor girl for breakfast.

Michelle bounces out of bed. She stretches daintily as she walks into the bathroom and draws her morning bath. She knows she has some time before she meets up with her friend, Erin, for their usual morning breakfast. She removes her soft powder blue babydoll jammies and hops into the honeysuckle smelling bubble bath.

She quickly bathes and dresses in cute white bikini panties with I love you all over them in red letters and hearts. She pulls on her tight Calvin Kline hip hugger jeans and a baby doll top. She slips her shoes on and heads out the door to Erin's.

She rings his doorbell. Erin opens the door and happily invites Michelle in while he slips his sandals on. Erin grabs his keys, and they stroll out the door to walk to the local diner for a good breakfast.

While they were there, He could feel something out of place, something a little different about him. It wasn’t enough for him to really be worried about and he didn’t think anyone would notice anything anyway. As they neared the diner all his attention turned to breakfast.

Michelle noticed that Erin was ... some how ... shorter and smaller. The Boy usually towers over her , but today, she almost could look him in his eye. His clothes, hug loosely on him .. and she noticed ... he appeared to have ... nipples??

Michelle asks softly, "Erin?? Did something happen to you last night? You appear .. different."

She reaches up and gently caresses his protruding nipple bud in wonder.

Erin a bit taken aback. There are intense tingly waves that run through him from the gentle caress Michelle just gave his nipple. He quickly pulls away and smoothes his shirt out a little embarrassed. It is obvious he has little booby bumps showing through his shirt. He quickly responds, " I don’t know what it is ... I think it must be an allergic reaction to something"

The dream Erin had last night is still intensely poking at his mind. He tries to shake it off as they enter the diner. Michelle gets her breakfast as she watches Erin. There are many questions in her mind ... the height thingy .. is most noticeable. The next thing .. Erin is obviously growing breasts ... they protrude and can not be mistaken for anything else.

They sit together in a booth in their usual private corner. Michelle eyes him from head to foot. She can't believe what she is seeing. How can he get ... smaller?? He’s looking more like a ... girl now than a boy too.

She asks in a soft whisper, "Erin sweet heart?? Are you ... taking female hormones?"

She puts her hand on top of his and squeezes gently as she looks into his eyes with a knowing expression. Erin is now worried. something is wrong, what he thought was nothing seems to actually be something more.

His eyes go wide as he looks to his friend with a blank stare.

He adamantly states, "No ... why would I do something like that? Don’t you think if I was doing something like that I would have told you? That’s a weird question ... why do you ask?" he shifts around looking uneasily down at himself and back at his friend.

Michelle points to Erin's new booby buds. They are noticeable, even though the shirt is slightly large on him now.

She replies with concern in her voice, "You have .. boobies. Wasn’t so long ago .. I started getting mine ... and they looked just like that when they started to blossom. Look at yourself ... you’re actually pretty ... your clothe don't fit right .. and I can almost look you in the eye. How did you ... shrink??"

Erin now was getting scared. Flustered, he brings his hands to cover his eyes and clearly states in a bit of a worried whine, "I ... I don’t know ... I tried to ignore it and thought it was nothing ...what is happening?" He looks up like a scared child at Michelle.

Michelle changes sides in the booth and sits next to Erin. She hugs him lovingly and says softly, "Sweetie, if you want to become a girl ... you can tell me ... I will help if you want." She kisses him softly on his cheek.

Erin leans closer to her frightened and confused. He meekly whimpers, "I ... maybe ... I mean. ... I didn’t do anything. Why is this happening? I’m so confused. I went to bed fine last night and woke up like this. What is happening to me?"

He can’t relate to himself, to Michelle, or to the ephemeralness of reality that he can’t seem to grasp right now. Michelle holds him gently. She is confused. Michelle can't understand herself how this could have happened to him over night.

Michelle says to in a comforting tone although she knows it isn’t true, "It's not too noticeable. If your boobies don't grow any more. They won’t be too noticeable if you don't wear tight shirts either. Don't worry, I'm you're friend and won't desert you. If this keeps happening though, you're going to look just like a girl real soon.” She lowers her voice to a whisper and finishes, “Although you look a lot like one now.”

Erin takes comfort to Michelle's words. He can’t figure this out. Why was his body changing.

In a frightened attempt to figure out what to do, with no other option open to him, he tells Michelle the truth, “I had a dream last night ... more intense than I have had, it felt so real. You don’t think this could have anything to do with it do you?

Michelle thinks about this for a moment and says, "Tell me about the dream love. What was the ... theme or ... what happened?"

Erin thinks a second and collects his words. Frightened, he wearily stammers, "Well I dreamt that I was captured by this evil Wizard. He was doing something to me ... I think some sort of experiment. I remember being on this table and him chanting something ..." a heavy sigh of confusion escapes his breath

The two sat for a long time and discussed the dream. Since there was nothing either could do about it, they continued on with the rest of their day. Both enjoyed the movie very much and playing at the amusement park. By the time Michelle had left Erin at his door, it had gotten to be late at night.

Erin had gotten over most of the rush from this morning and was mostly tired from the days events. He decided it was best if he get some sleep and see if it can be taken care of tomorrow. As he was getting on his now looser fitting pj's, he was reminded of what Michelle said about him looking like a girl if this continued. As he got into bed under the covers ... that thought carried him into a deep sleep.

A very intense and vivid dream begins. It was so real. He was sitting at a magic pool. A bright white Unicorn with pink main and tail stood before him. He reached for its horn ... he takes it in both hands. The waves of intense sensations took away all thought. When it had finished, he was now a very cute little girl. The sweet and soft laugh of the Unicorn could almost be heard as he jumps up in bed with a start. His jammies really baggy now, and soaked with perspiration.

It is obvious now, he is sprouting really cute breasts. His hair had even grown longer. Erin gets out of bed as the clothes from the waist down slip off with ease. Erin doesn’t even take notice as he walks to the mirror and looks at the she looking back at him. He takes his shirt off and can only stare at what’s before him. Immediately he begins to poke and prod himself. Erin starts to feel what his body has turned into. Erin thinks that with no explanation there is only one person he can turn to for help. Without ever worrying about clothes or anything, Erin unsteadily runs to the phone and after a reach grabs it and clumsily dials Michelle's number.

The phone rings ... Michelle sleepily answers, "Hello?? Who is it??" She sits up and rubs sleep from her eyes.

Erin squeaks out, "Michelle its Erin, I need you to come over right now. I can’t explain, I just need your help."

Michelle hears a strange girl's voice on the phone. She replies, "I'll be there soon as I get dressed, Tell Erin I'm coming."

The line goes dead as she hangs up, leaving Erin alone with his very confused thoughts.
Erin hangs up the phone and touches his hands to his lips, thinking to himself. "she thought I was a girl" Erin's eyes begin to tear up as he wraps himself in a blanket and waits for Michelle by the front door; confused and sobbing.

Michelle walks to Erin's door ... she rings the bell. She's really concerned about what's happened to Erin. She wonders who the strange girl is too. Erin slowly answers the door, still sobbing, and peaks out the door to see Michelle standing there. So with as much composure as could be mustered, Erin asked Michelle to come in.

Michelle walks in. She sees the very pretty girl all wrapped in a blanket sobbing. Michelle looks around and calls, "Erin? It's me .. Michelle ... where are you?"

Erin's watery eyes looked directly into hers and he squeaked out cutely, "Michelle ... it’s me ... Erin..." and continues to sob some more.

Michelle's eyes get huge as she stares at the sobbing girl. She doesn't know what to think as she sits slowly beside the distraught girl and wraps her arms around her.

She says in a soft comforting voice, "It's ok ... I don't know what to do ... but I will do what I can. Tell me, how did ... did this happen? Did you have another dream?"

Erin snuggles close into Michelle's arms and sat and cried a bit until it was down to sniffles. At that Erin continued in a weepy voice, " I did have a dream. This time there was a pink Unicorn and a magic pool ... I touched the horn in my dream. Then I heard a laugh and I woke up like this." Erin begin to whimper some more.

Michelle hugs Erin closer and kisses the now her on top of her head. She says softly, "I have no clue as to what to do. You're my size now ... I've never seen anyone shrink like this before ... much less change sex this way. Just sit here ... I'll be right back with some clothes ... I promise, you'll be cute."

She leaves quickly. Erin is alone with her very scared and confused thoughts. Erin just stayed distraught with no explanation for his current state. He tried to make sense of it all. dreams of wizards and unicorns. What could it all mean? Erin did not know. He walked back and sat against the wall. His head started to get fuzzy and the full weight of being so overwhelmed set in. Erin blacked out against the wall waiting for Michelle to return.

Erin finds himself in another really intense dream. The reality of it was amazing. In this dream, he was in a cave. There was a Magic Lamp sitting on a very ornate and bejeweled shelf. A huge Ginn, complete with all the trappings stood hugely in front of him. The Ginn's booming voice rang through the cave, "And as you wish, from now on ... you shall be female named Erin."

A tremendous wave of tingly sensations awoke him. The door bell was ringing. Erin jumped up and with a startled wobbly step answered the door slightly to check and see who it was. Erin could help but start loosing some of the blanket as he does so.

Michelle peeks in the door and sees Erin standing there with the blanket falling off her shoulders. Michelle gasps as she can see Erin has become a very pretty girl. She has long light colored hair, cute booby bumps and sparkly eyes. They were red from crying and it was obvious ... she was still very upset.

Michelle enters and hugs Erin closely and says comfortingly, "It's ok sweet heart. I'm here ... lets get you dressed and see what we can do."

She hands Erin a pair of hip hugger jeans, a pair of pink bikini panties, and a tan pull over strap top ... She had a pair of soft flats in her hand too. The two take the clothes and go to Erin’s room. Erin started by taking the panties and holding them. She looks at them and feels the fabric. Part of her is worried ... she quickly realizes how cute they are, all pink with a flower on the front, and she pulls them on. Next, she puts on the jeans and feels a strange sensation at the tightness of the material as it practically forms to her. Erin looks at the top. In her mind she knows that this is what she needs but is interrupted by Michelle slipping it on her. Erin has a feeling that something is wrong and not right. It keeps nagging at him ... suddenly, it all flutters away in a fuzzy haze as she looks at herself in the full length mirror she kept on the door.

It was then like a revelation ... all Erin saw in the mirror ... was a cute girl. All Erin could do was stare, mouth agape. He begins to touch everything everywhere on her body to really know if this is true and to feel the sensation.

Michelle walks up behind Erin and wrapped her arms around her softly. She kisses Erin on her cheek and says softly in a whisper, "It's not so bad ... is it?? Being a girl , I mean. We can ..be ... very close if you want. What are you going to tell you mom an dad?"

Erin accepts the warm embrace and hugs Michelle tight. The sensation of them embracing felt different ... more like it was right and supposed to be. Erin, feeling better, almost enjoying her cute state, stops and with a look of terror and turns to look into Michelle's eyes and practically yells, " I don’t know!!"

Erin just hugs Michelle tighter. Michelle walks Erin out of the potty back into the living room. She sits with her and snuggles closer as she whispers, "It's ok Erin. I promise, we will think of something. Tell me, was there anything ... anything ... that you can tell me that might have triggered this? Any kind of secret wish ... or fantasy ... or ... " Michelle shrugs as she looks into Erin's eyes.

Erin sat and thought for a second. He remembered back thinking through events of the past and started to pick up things he hadn’t noticed. Little events where he did something then never really noticed. It was at that point he in a little bit of shock whispered, "I think I may have always wanted to be a girl."

His eyes got wide and his pupils enlarged as he realized the severity of the situation with what the truth might actually be.

Michelle hugs Erin close and whispers nervously, "Umm ... I .. I need to tell you something. I have always loved that about you. You always seemed ... more like a girlfriend than a boyfriend." her eyes drop as she blushes, "I .. think that's why I have always been attracted to you ... you're a .. a girl??"

Michelle turns her head and blushes red.

Erin turns to Michelle, Erin blushes a bright pink. Michelle is blushing as well and looks deeply into Erin’s eyes. Erin softly whispers, " I think your right...the more I think about it ... I just always must have been ... I just didn’t want to realize it ... and as for you ..." Erin tilts her head, and pulls Michelle even closer into an embrace and kisses her passionately.

Michelle gasps softly. She has been taken completely by surprise. She hesitates only a split second before embracing Erin and melting into her arms in a passionate French kiss.

Michelle explores Erin's mouth with her tongue. She seeks it out and caresses it with the tip of her own. Michelle is over come with a rising passion she can't explain. The sensations Erin feels and the attraction to Michelle is the strongest she has ever felt. something overtakes her as she French kisses Michelle more deeply and with more fiery passion that she ever has done with anyone before. She begins to explore Michelle's body with her hands and with a curiosity and a deep love they feel each other on a level neither has felt before.

Michelle comes back to somewhat a clear head. She breaks the kiss reluctantly and puts her fingers gently on Erin’s lips. Her soft green eyes look passionately into Erin's.

Michelle asks in a soft voice filled with passion, "Sweet heart ... this ... this is wonderful ... but what are we gonna tell your parents? Aren't they going to be home ... in the next couple of days?"

Michelle looks at Erin with deep concern on her pretty face. Erin cant really think straight in the heat of the moment but blurts out, " I don’t know, what can we tell them, I don’t think they will ever believe anything, Maybe we should go to bed and think about it with a fresh start in the morning. it is really late." Erin looks to Michelle with puppy dog eyes and extends her hand to Michelle.

Michelle is totally enraptured by Erin. Erin has become a very pretty girl. Michelle stands with one hand in Erin's ... and the other she uses to gently caress him.

Michelle says in a soft whisper, "I would ... love to go to bed with you."

She puts her free hand around Erin and pulls her close. She looks deep into Erin's eyes, before Passionately kissing her again. Erin Joyously accepts the kiss and returns it as she moves in closer to Michelle and leads her upstairs to her bedroom.

Michelle has no thoughts. She can't believe how attracted she is to another girl ... it has to be because this is ... Erin. She follows like a little lost kitten up the stairs and into the bedroom. Michelle has undone her jeans and allowed them to fall to the floor before she even realizes she did it. She is standing in her soft peach colored bikini panties and her top.

Erin cant explain how natural this all feels. She cant be still long enough to really think about it. Erin just quickly, in a couple swift motions removes her shirt and top leaving her in just her pink panties. She caresses Michelle's bottom quickly, to feel the softness before sliding onto the bed kneeling and looking up to Michelle ...putting her index finger in her mouth in a very cute manner and giving her alluring puppy dog eyes.

Michelle removes her top in one graceful fluid motion as she climbs into bed with Erin. She moves close, sitting on her knees too, and kissing Erin on her lips. Michelle takes Erin’s hand ... she slowly moves it to her crotch. With a squeaking gasp, she says softly, "If .. if you want me .. I'm .. I’m yours."

Erin squeals with a giddy anticipation as she dives in and passionately kisses Michelle and moves from the lips down her chest. Slowly kissing and licking while working off Michelle's panties. Erin tries her best not to fumble with anything even though everything seems second nature.

Michelle is helpless. She gives herself totally to Erin as she enjoys all the sensual waves of pleasure. Goose flesh rises all over her body as her nipples become erect and firm. Michelle helps Erin remove her panties, then lies on her back and bends her knees. She shyly opens them. She can't help feeling shy ... she covers her vagina with her hands as she looks into Erin's eyes.

Erin follows her down kissing ... from her chest onto her tummy and then kisses each of Michelle's hands while carefully and slowly moving them aside. Erin runs her tongue along the top of Michelle's pelvis and slowly licks her way down into the Vaginal area. With what skill Erin had she moves her hands and begins massaging along with her licking and takes her other hand and caresses Michelle's soft bottom all in a rhythmic motion.

Michelle lets out a cute squeak as Erin's tongue works it's way into her soft folds. She moves her hips up into Erin's mouth .. trying her best to please her. Michelle gasps and pants with each exploring trust of Erin's tongue ... and each gentle probe of her fingers. Michelle couldn't believe how wonderful another girl could be.

Michelle gasps in a soft squeak, "Er .. Erin ... I ... I've never hadda nuther girl before. I'm ... I'm glad it was you."

She takes her hands and runs it through Erin's hair as she arches her back and moans with deep passionate pleasure. Erin Listens and works stronger and faster while bringing Michelle to a reality shattering climax. Michelle begins to settle and squeal with delight ... Erin slithers her hands all the way up her body till they meet eye to eye and deeply French kisses her.

Erin pulls back mesmerized ... looks into Michelle's eyes and whispers cutely, “You are the only one I could truly give myself to Michelle I am yours..." Erin fades out and goes in to French kiss her again.

The two girls remained entwined for a long time. Neither noticing as time passed so quickly. Michelle noticed the clock .. it read 3:30am. Michelle cuddles close to Erin and places a leg over the top of her.

She whispers softly as she kisses Erin's ear, "Sweet heart, I love you so much. It's getting really late ... and we need to get some sleep."

Michelle French Kisses Erin softly one more time. Erin kisses back and then kisses down Michelle's neck until she is nuzzled softly and comfortably in Michelle's breasts and in ecstasy breathes out a last "I love you more than you know" and Erin drifts into a deep relaxed sleep.

Another very intense dream begins ... it is real as far as Erin is concerned. Erin suddenly sits up. She is in a crib and wearing nothing but a Huggies nighttime diaper ... it is soaked. Erin looks all around ... he is in a very cute little girl's nursery.

Erin tries to stand up .. her legs are very wobbly and she is very uncoordinated. She has to hold on to the crib rail for support as she stand up. She tries to figure out how to lower the crib rail ... the mechanism is way beyond her ability to figure it out.

She can't help this feeling that washes over her ... her eyes begin to tear ... she cries ... her diaper is wet and she wants to be changed. She cries just like the baby she seems to be and can't help it in any way.

Erin Hears a motherly voice but cant see anything as a pacifier is inserted in her mouth the motherly voice is cooing "Erin sweetie its time to get up. So cute, you aww wet." Erin comes to and realizes its morning and she is still rested on Michelle's breasts.

In a shocking realization, she realizes she is sucking away at what seems to be Michelle's thumb. Erin stops and pulls it out of her mouth as she realizes a cold damp feeling around her. She looks up to Michelle and begins to whimper.

Michelle sees Erin. She smiles softly and asks, "Did you do that?" She points to the large wet spot on the bed. Michelle continues, "Are you .. feeling ok?"

Erin looks down at the wet spot and back at Michelle and meekly says, " I think so ... but I don’t feel sick or anything.."

Erin looks like she is going to tear up as her thumb makes its way to her mouth and she starts to suck on it.

Michelle moves over and cuddles Erin, she coos like she's talking to a baby, "I think you might need to be in one of those diapers in the back ... ya kno ... just in case??"

Michelle squinches her face and shoulders up in cute manner as she looks at Erin.

Erin Whimpers softly back to Michelle through her thumb, "If you fink its best I trust you judgment."

Erin continues sucking her thumb and crawls over and sits on Michelle's lap. Michelle smiles as she put hr hand on Erin's soft shoulder. She bends down and softly kisses Erin on her ear. She finishes by blowing ticklishly on the same ear.

Michelle coos, "Well, I think it's time Auntie and baby went to the potty room and properly diapered her ... don’t you baby?"

Erin giggles and squirms as Michelle starts to tickle and play with her. She just looks up at Michelle and nods through the giggling and thumb sucking with a big smile on her face. Michelle can't believe this is Erin. Last night still sung in her body brightly. She gently helps Erin off the bed and onto her feet. Michelle takes Erin by the hand and pats her softly on her hiney

Michelle coos, "Ok sweetie, Auntie take care of you."

She slowly escorts Erin to the potty on shaky legs.

Michelle continues, "Sweetie ... how old is baby?"

Erin looks to Michelle and scoots closer to her. Erin looks at her and pull her thumb out of her mouth long enough to squeak, "This many" and holds up one finger. Then she promptly returns her thumb to her mouth.

Michelle hugs Erin lovingly and coos, "And such a sweet baby girl too." Michelle Kisses her on the cheek again. She then leads Erin into the potty. She helped Erin onto the counter where she blows Erin tummy, making a large raspberry noise several times. She then kisses Erin on the nose as she reaches for one of the folded terrycloth towels. Michelle knew this would make a wonderful diaper.

Erin immediately begins to screech in sheer joy. She kicks and squirms just like the baby she had told Michelle she had become. Michelle is so pleased, she tickles Erin on the bottoms of her feet just to hear the infantile glee.

Michelle turns on the water in the huge white sink. She fills it with pleasantly warm water and set Erin in. With her legs crossed, Erin fit. Michelle pours a pink oil into the water, then grabs another bottle of Reddish gel with one hand as she stirred the water with the other. Erin’s skin tingles with pleasantness as Michelle begins to wash her with a thick wash cloth.

After rinsing Erin, Michelle pours the reddish gel into Erin's hair and begins to lather it up. The wonderful aroma of roses fill the air. Michelle pulls the plug in the sink, then rinses Erin completely. She helps Erin stand to complete the rinse. She helps Erin back to the floor, then envelopes her in a warm, soft towel, and dries her briskly all over.

Erin loves the feeling of the warm towel and feeling the love Michelle is bestowing upon her. She is feeling pure bliss as her head clears and her mind slightly returns from her deep regression.

She is back to sucking her thumb when she looks to Michelle and says, "What’s going on? I feel funny but I think its right. I don’t know what but I member you lovingly tending to me and I know you’re there to care for me."

Erin looks longingly to Michelle ... the love of her life as her mind sits in between two mental states looking for balance.

Michelle looks at Erin lovingly as she coos softly to baby, "Sweet heart. you're not just a girl anymore ... you .. you're a one year old baby .. with some cute adult parts mixed in, in just the right adorable places."

Michelle helps Erin back onto the counter where the Terry Cloth diaper was. She lifts Erin by her ankles and spreads the diaper under her. Michelle set her softly back on the diaper after she had powdered it with baby powder. Michelle then powders the front generously and pulls the diaper up between Erin's legs. Michelle reaches onto the counter top, and picks up a couple of safety pins that were in a small dish along with hair berets and bobby pens. She fastens the diaper on with the safety pins.

Erin seemed content with the response Michelle chose for her. She loved the feel of her soft thick diaper and giggled at the delightfully intoxicating smell of the baby powder. As Michelle was finishing up and about to pick Erin up, Erin started playfully kicking and giggling. Michelle couldn’t help but tickle Erin and giggle too. Erin squealed in infantile bliss. Michelle bends over and blows into Erin's tummy again, making several loud raspberry noises. She coos to baby as she helps Erin to her feet.

Michelle says softly, "Ok, baby, now you and me have to go to my house so I can get you some clothes. Let me wrap you in this blanket till we get there."

Michelle gently wraps Erin in a fuzzy bedspread. She takes her by the hand and slowly leads Erin to her house. She rummages through her closet until she comes to a cute Terry Cloth Beach Romper that zips up the back. She takes it from the hanger and unzips it.

She holds it out to Erin and says softly, "Ok, baby, step in so Auntie can zip you up."

Erin giggles and hangs on to Michelle as she steps into the romper. Erin feels a wave of warmth and emotion as she’s zipped up into her romper. After Michelle finishes zipping Erin in, Erin wraps her arms around Michelle's waist and babyishly exclaims, " I love u"

Michelle's heart melts as Erin hugs her. She stoops over slightly and kisses Erin on her nose and says softly, "Auntie loves you too baby. I'm going to take you to the Baby of all Ages store in the mall. We need to get you some proper clothes for a baby girl like you sweet heart."

Michelle takes Erin's hand as leads her to the car. As Erin is being buckled into the back seat ... Erin’s mind peaks ... she comes to herself momentarily and realizes something isn’t right. She isn’t a baby ... is she?

She turns to Michelle and in a daze asks, "Michelle love, What is going on, why am i in ... in a diaper?"

Michelle finishes buckling Erin into the back seat, she kisses her on her nose and replies softly, "Because sweet heart, not only have you mysteriously become a girl ... you have regressed to a baby. I'm sorry sweetie, but I have to take you to the mall and get you some proper clothes. I just want baby to be good while we there. Ok?"

Erin sat for a second and tried to say something more. All she felt was her cheeks turn pink as she squeaked, "Ok Mommy"

Erin sat contently with a smile on her face as her thumb found its way to her mouth. Michelle smiles. She has a really warm place in her heart.

Just for fun she bends over and tickles Erin in her ribs and coos, "Can baby say ... mommy? Say mommy."

Erin Sequels with delight and all she can make sense of is trying to do what Michelle wants. between giggles she squeaks, "Ma ... mama ... Mommy!" as she kicks and squirms.

Michelle hugs Erin lovingly and coos, "That's a good baby. Now, Erin ... Mommy is going to treat you just like a baby from now on. You will have to realize ... you're not able to be a big girl anymore. I promise, I will take good care of you until or if ... we ever find a way to make you all better."

Michelle again kisses Erin on her nose and closes the back door. The trip to the mall was quick and uneventful. After they arrive and Michelle parked the car, Michelle takes Erin from the backseat and helps her to stand up.

She Coos softly, "Ok sweet heart, take mommy's hand so I can walk you to the baby store." Michelle holds out her hand.

Erin takes Mommy's...Michelle's hand and while sucking away on her Thumb Erin hides adorably behind Michelle as she is taken into the enormous store. Michelle leads Erin through the mall to the Babies of all Ages store. They walk in. All around them are baby products for newborns to all aged babies. Big, not so big, super small, and super large baby products were everywhere.

A cute female attendant walks up to Michelle and says in a pleasant voice, "Can I be of some help? ohh, your baby is so precious!!"

The attendant bends over and tickles Erin under her chin while making cute baby noises.

Michelle replies, "Why, thank you. I think Erin is adorable. That's why we're here. I'm looking to get an entire wardrobe for my baby. She really needs it. She doesn’t have on anything but a diaper now and I'm afraid she's going to have an accident."

Both women giggle and look adoringly at Erin. In the wave of comments and giggles. Erin’s subconscious mind tells her something isn’t right. Erin pulls her thumb out of her mouth and starts to Whine, "Michelle ... I not a baby."

Right then Michelle Smiles and pops a pacifier into Erin’s mouth. The paci is just her size with a guard that’s pink and shaped like a butterfly.

Michelle giggles and sternly says, “Now none of that baby, we both can see the truth here. Just suck your paci like a good girl and well get you some cute things."

The attendant brought up a cart and Michelle lifts Erin into it. Erin obeys Michelle and is quietly sucking away at her paci like a good baby.

The attendant leads Michelle to an Isle with many types of baby clothes of all sizes and colors. The attendant picks a pair of pink plastic panties with little bunnies all over.

She hands them to Michelle and asks, "Will these do for now? I think we have many things mommy would like her baby in."

Michelle takes Erin from the cart and unzips her romper. It falls to the floor around Erin's feet. She is standing in the isle in just her diaper.

Michelle holds out the plastic panties and coos softly, "Step in baby. Mommy will help you."

Erin does as she’s told and holds onto mommy as her panties are brought up over her diapers.

Michelle exclaims, "There all done. Now sit in the cart quietly and let's get baby some cute stuff."

Erin sits sucking on her paci in nothing but a diaper and panties while her Mommy and the attendant start browsing through rompers, frilly panties, diapers, onesies, and pretty dresses. Michelle buys many cute and lacy things for Erin. She buys thick, soft diapers, Lined rumba panties, Onesies, and every other thing a baby might need. She made arrangements to have the playpen and the crib delivered to her apartment. Michelle knew that Erin would never be able to live without adult supervision again unless something happened to reverse the current trend

Michelle tickles and plays with Erin as she purchases many cute toys. She finally has everything she wants and is standing in front of the check out with Erin at her feet.

She stands Erin up and holds out an adorable romper with lots of cute pink ruffles.

Michelle coos softly, "Step in baby, so mommy can dress you so we can go home. It's time for your lunch and a nice nap."

Erin giggles cutely as she holds onto mommy and is zipped into her cute outfit. There was something itching at her mind but the content sucking on her paci and the coos from mommy washed it away. Erin just latched onto mommy and followed suit like a good baby should.

Michelle takes Erin and puts her back in the cart. She takes all her purchases and strolls to the car. Erin hears all the comments about what a cute baby girl she is ... there's something that isn't quite right ... just she can't quite put her finger on what it is. Michelle loads Erin into the back seat and fastens her safely in. She loads the car and begins the drive home.

Michelle asks baby softly, "How do you feel baby? I know you probably don’t quite understand, but mommy wants to make sure you're not having emotional problems with the fact you have lost your adult hood."

Erin's mind tries to say something but the subconscious has taken over. All that comes out of Erin is a cute, "I feel gwood Mommy" from behind her paci.

Michelle drive the rest of the way home in worried silence. She has no clue as to what to do, or what could have caused this miraculous change in Erin. She unloads the car and puts all the new things in her spare bedroom. She can't wait for the delivery, so they can put the new nursery together for Erin.

Michelle makes up a bottle of warm formula for Erin. She take her into the bedroom and lays on the bed with her. Michelle snuggles close and puts the nipple in Erin’s mouth.

Michelle coos, "Now be a good baby and drink all of her bottle. It looks like you will be a baby for the rest of your life. Isn't that adorable. And since you're now too young to feel bad about it, mommy wants to have you in diapers and panties. It makes you look more adorable."

Michelle unzips and unsnaps the new romper. Erin is in her arms suckling the bottle in just a pink pair of plastic panties and a diaper. Michelle begins to hum a sweet lullaby about stepping stones. Erin nurses away snuggled next to her mommy as she drifts off into a sweet dream.

In this dream Erin sees herself as she is now and the boy she once was. She is like a third party watching and sucking away at her paci. She watches as her old boy self dissolves into nothing and her self as she is now crawls up to her and says with a giggle, "Now we are who we were meant ta be."

Suddenly the figure before her turns into her mommy Michelle and picks her up. Erin has cute baby dreams for the rest of her nap.

~~ End of the first of many adventures ~~
Miki Yamuri
Posts: 341
Joined: Mon Jun 23, 2014 3:06 pm

Re: Dream Scape

Postby TiresiasRex » Mon Oct 27, 2014 10:25 am

Illusion? Reality? Who cares! The fact that Michelle's last name was related to "Sims" was not lost on me.

Fun, with some definitely intense scenes.
Posts: 57
Joined: Sat Jul 05, 2014 9:05 pm

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